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Choptank Buzz April 2024

Choptank Welcomes New Employees

Brian Postles New Hire

Brian Postles

Apprentice Lineman, RSC (Salisbury)

Experience: 75th Ranger Regiment, USASOC, U.S. Army, Lineman Pre-Apprentice Program, Tesla Energy/Solar City
Hobbies: Learning how to build new things, home renovations, outdoor sports and competitions.
Looking Forward To: Joining and contributing to the community. Learning a lot of new information.


Judi White promotion

Congratulations to Judi White who completed the Member Service Specialist 6th Class testing and moved to the Member Service Specialist 5th Class!


Linnie Vann promotion

Congratulations to Linnie Vann who completed the 4th Class Apprentice Lineman testing and moved to Apprentice Lineman 3rd Class!