Your Vote Makes A Difference In Your Community

Co-ops play a vital role in supporting political engagement, encouraging rural voter turnout, and engaging with candidates on issues that matter in our communities. It remains imperative that co-ops be involved in the conversation. Please take the time to show concern for your community and encourage everyone who is eligible to get registered and vote. Please Visit-


Electric co-ops are facing many legislative issues that will affect the future operations of the cooperative and the rates paid by co-op members. The active involvement of member-owners helps ensure the voice of electric cooperatives remains strong and effective in the political arena.   

Visit the Congressional Action Center if you would like to send an email to your representative and senators in Washington. To view a complete list of Maryland delegates and senators, please go to the Maryland General Assembly Website.

If you need a list of your local representatives and senators, download our Eastern Shore Delegation Guide

Together we will continue to fight for a viable environment for electric cooperatives and the quality of life they bring to your community!


Valerie Connelly

Valerie Connelly

Vice President of Government A­ffairs & Public Relations

Choptank Electric Cooperative

Direct         (410) 479-8651

Toll-Free    (877) 892-0001

Cell            (443) 690-2411

Matthew Teffeau

Matthew Teff­eau

Manager of Government Aff­airs

Choptank Electric Cooperative

Direct       (410) 479-8678

Toll Free   (877) 892-0001

Cell            (410) 924-4525