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Cooperative Interns

By Samantha Casale, Government Affairs and Public Relations Intern

I am the summer intern for the Marketing and Communications department here at Choptank Electric Cooperative. As such, I’ve been asked to write a little about what I’m studying, what I’m doing here at the Co-op and report on the activities of the other summer interns. When my internship is over, I will be a sophomore at Salisbury University studying business management and communications.  I’ve lived on the Eastern Shore of Maryland my whole life. Choptank Electric Cooperative has always been active in my community, so I decided that I wanted to intern here when I was making decisions last winter.  

Samantha Casale- Government Affairs and Public Relations Intern
Samantha Casale- Government Affairs and Public Relations Intern

As a business management major and communications minor, I knew that interning at Choptank Electric Cooperative would give me real-world experience that will help with job opportunities after I graduate. During my brief time as the communications intern, I’ve already experienced so many great opportunities. I’ve been on jobsites and got to see how quickly and safely our crews are at restoring power to our members. Of course, I had the appropriate attire (a hard hat and a neon vest)! On my first day, I traveled to Cecil County to attend a ribbon-cutting ceremony to celebrate a Choptank Fiber expansion. I have also attended and worked at the exhibit booth at fairs and festivals in Choptank’s service territory.  

I have always liked writing, especially about a topic I enjoy. When I was asked to draft this article, I was over the moon. All these opportunities have been wonderful, but the most amazing parts about working at this Cooperative are the people. From day one, I have witnessed just how much we put our members first here at Choptank Electric Cooperative. 

My positive experience is mirrored by the four engineering interns spending the summer with us:

Owen Mank attends the University of Maryland, where he studies electrical engineering. He plans to specialize in renewable energy harvesting. He is interning for the RGrid fiber optic design team. Owen heard about Choptank Electric through the school’s student representative program, and he applied for this internship to get a more personal understanding of how power is distributed to regions. His favorite parts of the internship so far are seeing the steps that go into designing the fiber optic grid and contributing to it by going into the field to get distances for designing and tagging for pole change outs. He appreciates learning everything that must be considered in the design process. He hopes his internship experience will give him a more direct understanding of how power and internet distribution is achieved, which will be helpful if he decides to go into researching ways to improve it. Owen hopes to go on to graduate school to achieve a doctorate in power systems/harvesting. He would also like to do research for the U.S. Department of Energy to further the ability to transition into cleaner energy sources to better protect our environment that we inhabit. 

Owen Mank- RGrid Intern
Owen Mank- RGrid Contractor Intern

Justin Thompson attends the University of Maryland, College Park, where he studies electrical engineering. Here at Choptank Electric, Justin interns with RGrid contractors and works on the fiber project. As an engineering intern, Justin goes out into the field to get pole measurements and underground distances for the fiber construction and comes back into the office to design it. His favorite part of the internship so far is witnessing “behind the scenes” how power and fiber/internet gets delivered into homes. Justin finds it rewarding to see our members get excited when they see our crew. “If we are out around their homes, they know it means they are getting close to fiber,” he explains. Justin hopes his internship experience brings more knowledge about power and fiber distribution. He also hopes to gain a better understanding of the business side of things and how co-ops and contractors work together. Justin plans to graduate from the University of Maryland, College Park, next year and assume a position as an electrical engineer soon after. 

Justin Thompson- RGrid Contractor Intern
Justin Thompson- RGrid Contractor Intern

Jordan Figueroa attends Elizabethtown College where he studies electrical engineering. While at school, Jordan enjoys being a pole vaulter on the men’s track team. He is interning for the engineering department working with RGrid contractors. He believes interning at Choptank will be beneficial as he works to gain experience in his field of study.  Jordan’s favorite parts about this internship so far has been building professional relationships with Choptank and RGrid staff as well as developing skills for when he begins his career. Throughout the rest of his internship, Jordan hopes to learn more about how Choptank Fiber works. He would also like to learn more about the electrical distribution side of the business. Jordan plans to graduate from Elizabethtown College in May of 2024.

Jordan Figueroa- RGrid Contractor Intern
Jordan Figueroa- RGrid Contractor Intern

Isaac Dressler attends Penn State where he studies electrical engineering. While looking for a way into the electrical engineering world, he got word that Choptank Electric would be a great place to start. Isaac says, “A co-op with a great reputation would be a great start to get my hands dirty.” Isaac is interning for the electrical engineering department.  Isaac enjoys seeing the process unfold from the computer work and design, to witnessing that design become developed. He also enjoys the balance of fieldwork and office work, therefore being able to enjoy the outdoors as well. He hopes to learn more about how the infrastructure for power generation is designed and more about fiber optic communication. Isaac plans to finish his degree in electrical engineering at Penn State and to explore jobs in that field of study. Though he is not specific on any field of this degree, Isaac says, “For now, I am happy receiving quality experience at Choptank Electric that will benefit me in the long run.”

Isaac Dressler- Electrical Engineering Intern
Isaac Dressler- Electrical Engineering Intern

"We have been very impressed with this group of local interns. These students are completing valuable work, bringing high speed internet to the Eastern Shore. One of the objectives of our internship program is to expose students to rewarding careers within the utility industry allowing them to stay in our local communities. We hope these students will consider keeping their incredible talent on the Shore."

– Leroy Sverduk, 
Vice President of Engineering Choptank Electric Cooperative