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photo above: Choptank crews doing work to strengthen our power grid last June. Improving our grid keeps the lights on and the cost affordable. 


Dear Members,

As you continue to relax and enjoy summer activities on the Eastern Shore, I want to give you some good news about your electric bill. Old Dominion Electric Cooperative (ODEC), Choptank Electric Cooperative’s wholesale power provider, has experienced lower costs for generating and purchasing power over the past several months. These lower costs are largely the result of less expensive fuel used to generate electricity and lower power prices across our region. ODEC is a not-for-profit electric cooperative just like Choptank, and its mission is to provide us with the most reliable power at the lowest possible cost while meeting our state and national environmental goals.

ODEC and its board of directors have lowered the cost of wholesale power by $1.50 per megawatt-hour, which allows Choptank to pass the savings on to you, our member-owners. You will see the reduced rates on your electric bill beginning August 1st.

These savings will amount to $1.50-$2.00 off the average household’s monthly bill — that’s $1.50 per 1,000 kwh, which is the average monthly residential use. This change will be reflected in the Power Cost Adjustment line under the Supplier Charges side of your bill.

At a time when many costs have risen from gas to groceries, your cooperative lowers costs to member-owners wherever possible. I hope you will continue to enjoy your summer and will relax just a little more knowing your electric cooperative has your back.