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Greetings, Choptank Electric Members

Fall is officially here. We welcome the cooler temperatures and changing colors with harvest activities here on the Eastern Shore. As we enjoy the bounty of our local farms, I’d be remiss not to remind you to practice safe driving while sharing the roads with harvest equipment, and if you’re operating farm machinery, to be on the lookout for overhead communication and power lines along the roads. 

In our community’s rural areas, many members enjoy recreational hunting of waterfowl and forest species this season. As your electric co-op, we encourage hunters to be on the lookout for utility poles and power lines when discharging a firearm, and for experienced hunters who are familiar with the area to help identify locations of electrical equipment to the younger, less experienced hunters. Tampering with or misuse of our fiber and electric lines can not only put you in danger, but will also affect all other members that are down-line.

October is special for us as we celebrate National Cooperative Month and acknowledge the contributions made by the members and employees of local cooperatives. Check out page 21 to learn more about the seven Cooperative Principles that make us unique; they’re the heart of everything we do for you and our community! 

This month is also Breast Cancer Awareness Month — a recognition of the research and resources put toward finding a cure for this disease that impacts so many. Read about our support for breast cancer awareness and research on page 19 as Choptank goes pink this October. 

Join us on social media during Careers in Energy Week from October 16-20 to highlight the important work our team dedicates 24/7 to keeping your lights on. Follow along on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Twitter as we feature some of the many jobs at Choptank Electric! 

Happy Harvest,

Mike Malandro, 
President & CEO
Choptank Electric Cooperative