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Load Control Rider

Save money by reducing usage during peak periods

Choptank Electric members billed under the General Service – Irrigation (FI) rate or a rate that includes a demand component can enroll in our voluntary Load Control Rider, which provides a credit to members who can control their electric load during certain peak periods. Notice of control periods will be issued by Choptank Electric via text message (members may opt in through SmartHub) and our website under “Your Service.” There is no penalty for not controlling during the designated peak periods. 

Load Control Rider (LC)
• Can be paired with Small Power (S), Medium Power (M), and Primary (P) rates
• Must have a curtailable load of at least 50kW

Load Control Rider – Irrigation (LC-FI)
• Can be paired only with General Service – Irrigation (FI) rate
• Must have a curtailable load of at least 25kW 

If you would like to enroll in the Load Control Rider, give us a call at 1-877-892-0001.