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Thank You, Lineworkers.

On April 8, we celebrate National Lineworker Appreciation Day to honor the men and women at Choptank Electric Cooperative who power life! Rain or shine, day or night, our lineworkers brave challenging conditions to make sure we have electricity when needed. 

Lineworkers are ranked as one of the 10 most dangerous jobs in the country. From learning the intricacies of the electric grid to climbing utility poles carrying 40+ pounds of equipment, lineworkers spend thousands of hours training and learning throughout their career. Their dedication is nothing short of extraordinary and a testament to their commitment to powering local families. 

Choptank Electric Cooperative and its employees are members of this community. We live in the same neighborhoods. We shop at the same stores. Our kids go to the same schools. If your lights are off, there is a good chance ours are off, too. You can trust that we are doing our best to get the lights back on as quickly and safely as possible, so you can get back to normal life. Join me in thanking a lineworker today and every day.