Tom Filewicz Retires After 35 Years of Service
Tom began his career at Choptank Electric Cooperative as a Communications Clerk (now called System Operator) in October of 1989. He moved into the lineman program in 1990, working out of the Berlin District Office. During his Lineman Apprenticeship, he transferred to our Salisbury District Office where he later became a Chief Lineman for seven years. In 2002, he earned the position of Manager, (earning Sr. Manager status in 2011) of Regional Operations at the Regional Service Center in Salisbury. During his time here, Tom has been a member of numerous committees.
He helped develop a one-week Lineman Orientation Program, was Chairperson for the Work Order Process Committee and was Chairperson of the Storm Preparedness Committee.
Tom is responsible for all aspects of overhead and underground construction and maintenance. He also takes care of storeroom inventory in the district. Tom says, “I have been fortunate to have a talented and dedicated team to work with over the years. I have met and worked with many wonderful members, contractors and electricians during my career.” Tom looks forward to traveling, playing golf, and spending time with his family during his retirement. His last day with the Cooperative was August 6.