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Winter Bills vs. Summer Bills – Think it Through

Did you know that Marylanders often face winters that are more demanding than the summers in terms of energy consumption? The common misconception of energy consumption is that energy bills are higher in the summertime than in the winter. 
This does not mean you are using less energy in the winter, it just means you may be using less provided by Choptank Electric.
If your electric bills are higher in the summer, ask yourself what heat source(s) do you use in the winter? If you are not heating with 100% electric in the winter as you are cooling with 100% electric in the summer, you must factor the additional expenses to find your true “total energy bill.” 
For example, which energy bill is higher? 
A $250 monthly electric bill in the summer when you are using all electric appliances to cool your home? 
A $150 monthly electric bill in the winter plus $800 to fill the propane tank at the beginning of the season for heat? 
At first glance, the $250 summer bill looks larger. However, we must factor other sources of energy during the winter when other sources are used. A $150 bill per month along with the $800 propane bill averaged over 4 months equates to a $350 total energy bill in the winter. As you can see here, the home actually uses more energy in the winter but the total energy bill is spread throughout multiple bills creating the illusion that the bills are lower. 
Questions about your energy consumption this winter? Ask our Energy Program Coordinator, Justus Gellert, 1-877-892-0001 for more information.